Friday, October 26, 2012

The Enrichment Room--a Place to Learn!

I feel very lucky this year to be in a new classroom space. Students are filling every corner with learning! At the beginning of the year I put up a sign that said: WE ARE A COMMUNITY OF LEARNERS. Each week we grow towards this motto. Here are a few pictures that capture the type of learning that is happening in the enrichment room. Students use the library, work at tables, play on the floor, create and watch puppet shows, etc. I welcome visitors, so consider dropping by for a visit!

After School Enrichment Program in Full Swing

The after school enrichment program is in full swing! Students are gardening, dancing, creating a newspaper and lots more! Here are a few pictures from classes this week. Interested in enrichment for the next session? Sign ups will be sent home in the new year.

Making RES a Better Place to Learn

This year in enrichment first graders are thinking about their school community. Students were challenged to come up with ideas about how to make RES a better place to learn. The lists they generated are great!

This week we began working on their ideas. We will be creating flower pots for every classroom,building some indoor gardens, and making alphabet items for kindergarten friends. Each idea was developed by the class and we will follow their ideas and plans to create the end products.
Here are some of the students designing their flower pot gifts.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Creating Magical Tent Cities in Kindergarten

In kindergarten enrichment classes this week, we have been busy using our imaginations and our creativity to build magical tent cities! We began our time together creating a group story, where each member of class contributed an idea. The seed of our story was a magical city, found by a young boy and a girl, and from there the students went wild thinking of what they found in the city! Next we worked in small groups to create signs for our city.  Some of the signs included:
Unicorns Only
Fairy House
My House
Slime Monster
Chinese Restaurant!!
We had great picture signs, but I was also excited to see students writing--working together to spell words, and form letters!
Next the building began! Below are a few great pictures of the creating.  Students helped each other to build, and create. The towns had roads and signs and a magical story and the kids were engaged and playful for the rest of class. Thanks so much to the families that loaned me tents so that we could make this magical experience a reality!

Third Grade Amazing Racers

In third grade, enrichment is focused on developing a global understanding through collaboration and inquiry.  Three weeks ago we began an Amazing Race Around the World.  In teams, students work their  way through a series of challenges that test their skills in geography and cultural understanding, as well as their ability to work together.  In just three sessions I have watched students become proficient at looking at a map, at identifying continents and countries AND I have seen some amazing teamwork!I have also heard some great discussions about the continent of Africa and questions that will be great for further exploration.
One of the best things about this learning set up is that the learning is not teacher directed. As the teacher, I have to do a lot to set up the environment and materials so that they can be successful...but the students are leading the charge in deciding how they will learn and they are doing it together--I can truly be the host of their "AMAZING LEARNING!"

This week we are leaving Africa and traveling around the world....students are wondering what continent will be next?!?

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Students will effectively communicate orally and in writing through a variety of digital and print mediums.


Students will work together with peers and the local community as well as digitally and globally to learn. They will benefit from the knowledge of partners and value the contributions of their team.


Students will use curiosity and imagination to design and develop innovative creations.


Students will use critical thinking skills to access and analyze information and solve authentic problems.

Enrichment at RES: A Tiered Approach to Meeting the Needs of All Students

Tier 1: School Wide 21st Century Learning and Enrichment (100% of students) 

 All RES students will be exposed to experential learning opportunities incorporating 21st century learning skills. Through a weekly class with the enrichment teacher, each grade will:

Kindergarten :  Students will play and explore to learn about themselves and their interests.

First Grade:  Students will become stewards of our school community. 

Second Grade: Students will develop a relationship with our local community. 

Third Grade:  Students will become active members of our global community. 

Fourth Grade:  Students will become responsible digital citizens. Students will complete an independent, research, interest-based capstone project.


Tier 2: Sustainable Differentiation Models in Classrooms          (5 - 10 % of students)

Grade level teachers will have access to the support and knowledge and resources presented by the enrichment teacher to develop sustainable models of extension in the classroom. By working in partnership over an extended period of time coordinated differentiation models will be established to provide meaningful enrichment opportunities in class, during core content instruction. This model enhances student experience in a sustainable manner.

Tier 3: Individualized Programming                                            (1 - 5 % of students) 

The Enrichment teacher will provide support to students requiring further extension beyond Tiers 1 and 2. Students accessing Tier 3 services require a referral from a classroom teacher.  Student performance will be assessed using academic indicators, a student motivational checklist, observation, and a parent questionnaire. Tier 3 supports will be structured according to specific student need.